Letter to Class of 2026


Hello Class of 2026! My name is Matson Kitamisi, and I am the 2022/23 President of the Huron University College Students’ Council. I’d like to start off by saying welcome! We are so excited to have you join our Huron family, and I cannot wait to see what you accomplish.

I hope that you had a wonderful summer and were able to reconnect with family and friends as well as find outlets to re-energize before the school year. As we enter the fall semester, I want to remind you that the Huron University College Students’ Council (HUCSC) is here for you to create the best possible student experience and quality of life while you are here at Huron. Over the course of the summer, my executive team and I were busy making sure you have the best experience you need for the academic year (starting with OWeek)! 

We are thrilled that you accepted your offer to Huron! I hope as you explore campus and utilize on-campus resources you will agree that we have a small niche community where any passion can be pursued. Now that OWeek is coming to an end and you have begun your classes, I am sure you are reflecting on a blur of events and emotions. Please remember the immense support system you have here from resources like Career Development, Academic Advising, the Wellness Centre, and the HUCSC throughout this time of transition.

The HUCSC will continue to have the mission of putting students first. From our varied events throughout the year to our robust clubs system, and everything in between, the student body and your needs are at the heart of everything we do. We will also be expanding our team through elected and hired positions very soon. Lastly, the Beaver Dam (our on-campus bar) will be opening up! It is located in the heart of Huron (aka the Student Commons in the Frank Holmes Building), and offers coffee, tea, snacks, and Dam Good Drinks! 

One last thought I want to leave with you: what do you want to get out of your undergrad? You have so many options available to you, and that is what makes the university experience so unique. You have the ability to connect with people from around the world, to pursue old and new passions, and the chance to experiment and try new things. When I first arrived at Huron, I didn’t see myself becoming the HUCSC president, but here I am today. Through various executive roles in Debate club, World University Service of Canada (WUSC) , and the Huron Black Students Association (HBSA), I learned about our Huron community, developed skills, and found my own passions; and with the support I got from Huron students, I took a chance. As we connect over the year, I hope to see you pursuing what you care about in addition to your academics. 

My team and I are here to support and represent you as you navigate your time in undergraduate studies. If you have any ideas, concerns, epiphanies, or just need someone to talk to, please contact me at president@myhuron.ca or reach out to another executive. We will make sure to amplify your feelings and act as best we can on them. Class of 2026, I once again welcome you to Huron! I hope you had an amazing Orientation Week, and I look forward to getting to know each one of you. 

Matson Kitamisi, President
